Certified Sexual Offender Treatment Provider

Qualification and certification standards have been established for Certified Sexual Offender Treatment Providers. These standards include qualifications for three provider levels reflective of a person’s training and expertise specific to the population being served – Senior/Approved Treatment Provider, Associate/Supervised Treatment Provider and Provisional/Supervised Treatment Provider.

Treatment provider certification approval is specific to adult or juvenile clients. Certificate holders may be separately approved to provide services to both populations.

The Certified Treatment Provider rosters provide the names and business addresses of approved providers and are specific to adult or juvenile clients.

SOMB-certification is in addition to the mental health or medical professional licensure held by the providers.

To all who apply for certification:

If anyone has questions regarding the applications or the application process, they should contact Jamie Lundy at jlundy@idoc.idaho.gov or 208-605-4783.